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Why Our Family Reads Together

Many of you who know the Wagner family know how frequently reading comes up. Wayne and Mae are both avid readers, and they've also helped their kids develop a similar appetite. Recently on the Do Business Do Life podcast with Brad Johnson, Wayne shared just how this journey began.

You can also listen to the full episode here.

It's All Mae's Fault

Those who know me are well aware of how often I talk about reading and personal development. What many don't know is that it was actually Mae who sparked this journey. She was the first in our family to be self-employed. She was the first to have a business mentor, read personal development books, and create vision boards. You might be surprised that I was not the one leading the charge, but not if you know Mae.

Mae got involved in Herbal Life and found herself under the mentorship of a remarkably successful leader. On one of her group mentorship trips, I happened to join, which led to a pivotal encounter with the team leader – Brad Harris.

Brad was making a half million per year, which was a lot in the 90s, especially in a network marketing business model. It was on this trip that Brad pulled me aside. He wanted to express his respect for Mae – and give me a valuable piece of advice.

"I'm going to challenge Mae to read 50 personal development books this year. I'm concerned that you two will pick your head up at the end of the year and be two very different people. If you aren't reading and growing, you'll likely find yourselves unequally yoked."

That was the powerful moment that my own journey of reading and personal development began. I got my hands on the recommended reading list Brad was sharing, immersed myself, and finally caught up (and passed) Mae's progress. I couldn't get enough.

Reading Together: 2 > 1

The result has been far more important than my growth. Mae and I, through reading, have been growing together as we sit under the same teachers and visionaries. We are growing up together, following the same scaffolding even as very different people. In hindsight, here are the most important things I've learned:

Reading Is The Fastest Track to Growing

Books are the cheapest, most available access we have to the best thinkers over multiple generations. Invest your time. If you're not reading, you're limiting the person you could become and the impact you could have.

Don't Grow Alone

When a vision isn't shared, it's more often a cause for division than success. I'm deeply grateful for Brad's words in my life – Mae grew profoundly in that first year of reading. She is still amazing me year after year. She would have left me behind if I hadn't begun drawing from the same wells. Be mindful of the people you are becoming, and especially in marriage,  parenting, and your community. Work hard to help those around you become people of vision as well.

Catching the Vision

Reading has had an irreversibly good impact on my life, but none of that happens without the words of a mentor. If you are someone who has invested in yourself and experienced powerful growth, be eager to inspire those around you. One wise, timely conversation was all it took to change my life permanently. You and I have that ability – and responsibility. 

Here To Help You Envizion More

A key part of our work at Vizionary is helping our clients "Envizion More" for their own lives. Finances are one of the key ways we experience this. We want to help you experience more financial independence to pursue your passions. We want to empower you to far exceed the charitable impact you dreamed possible. We want to help you raise financially-wise children and grandchildren who are well-equipped to steward the wealth you've created.

Our aim: to be the financial advisor who enables you to Envizioon More for your life.

If you or someone you know is looking for this kind of partner, Vizionary invites you to experience the difference.